Tuesday, March 29, 2011

bestest friends

I'm going to blog about well my bestest friends and I'm going to Wright it in blue just because i want to and this is the weird thing lots of people use the same Title well because mostly everyone loves talking about their best friends i do well i like talking about Chanel a Madison because they are fun to be with and i haven't seen them for 4 year like i said in some of my other blogs. the last time I've seen them was when i was 16 and Chanel graduated from high school like 7 or 8 months later. she graduated with her bestiest friends in her world and there names are kimber Levitt,Karli low,Jennica Dittmann and karli and Jennica are married so they have different last names i just used the ones they were born with because they were easier to spell but Chanel and Maddy are in first place on my best friend list because

(1). I've known them when i was really Young

(2).i played with them more when anyone else

(3).they always had time to play with us

(4) they always intrudes us to there friend which was always fun

(5) they always make us feel wanted

(6) they always loved us for us

all i can say is i love my sister's very very much and with out them i wouldn't be the man i am today and thank you two for you kind heartness and your calming presence. you two are the best of the best and Chanel i bet kimber, karli,and Jennica would say the same thing. well that's anuf of my ramblings i can go on and on about my bestest friends i hop you have fun reading it as i had fun writing it :) a happy smile for the readers

Sunday, March 20, 2011

alone and abandoned

its seems to me that everyone sometimes feel alone and abandoned by their friends i know the feeling i feel it almost everyday and you think that your friend rather be with their other Friends instead of you and that they put work above you and you think that your friends don't care about you that they prefer to be with friends that have money. everyone want to hear their friends say i love you ones in a while they want hear congratulations because they completed one of your goals. i haven't herd i love you from a friend ever but i hop i will. feeling alone and abandoned is not a fun feeling i can tell you of experience its not fun