Wednesday, November 9, 2011

friendships never die

 I haven't been blogging lately because i was think of alot of thing's like how my friends don't visit. how my life isn't really going the way i planed and how mine and Chanel's friendship is going. and thinking about when we were younger and what she was like and how she acted in front of us. So I'll shine some light about the younger day and some memory's of back then. In one of my blogs i talked about the beginning of Chanel's and mine friendship and how it started that it was not all rainbow. Our friendship started when me and Devon were 3 Dallas were 4 Chanel was 4 and Maddy was 2 and the first day after we moved into the house two houses over and we i guess saw Chanel and Maddy outside and thought we could play with them. So we went over to play but this part is sketchy i don't even know how the yelling started but it only lated like 4 to 5 seconds and then our mom told us to be friends so that how are friendship started. So like a few months or years later this is in the summer time so me and Devon saw Chanel,buddy,Brandon, their dad,Mitch i think Maddy came out later so me and Devon saw them playing with some gulf balls and some gulf clubs so we went and watched talked with Chanel i think Maddy came out at that time so we talked and played a little bit. and then we ask them if we could play with the balls and clubs they did so we were playing with them. So buddy, Brandon,Mitch and their dad go inside Chanel and Maddy stead outside for a bit and they went in. So me and Devon were hitting balls away from any van's,car's, Windows or any breakable thing like our mom told us to. And then Devon decided to try to hit the gulf ball over their van. now i told him that mom said not to but Devon said I'll make it. So he did and guess what it hit the van. So i ran not before i saw Chanel's mom i think it was her coming out of the door or saw her thought the kitchen window i don't really remember i was running home i told mom what happened Devon came home with i think her mom or she waited at the van anyway we went back to the van my mom was worried about that but her mom was understanding she said that the dent was already there. So her mom went back inside and are mom went back home and Chanel came and her and me started to yell at each other about the dent she said you made the dent and i said what her mom said that the dent was already there so in the end i agreed with her and played for the rest of the day. so at the end of each yelling argument me and Chanel always got along after. there's a resent thing that happened lets say Chanel and me have bin arguing for a year and a 1/2 about me talking to her friends over stepping some bounders and intruding her personnel space which i didn't know i did and she wants me to move on from are childhood friendship because she did and i don't get why she did that so i decided not to move on. so just a few months ago i wot her a email not a vary kind one at that i thing i judged her to harshly and was i little to mean because she stopped talking to me by email  and stopped talking to me all together i guess I'm not welcome around her but I'm still hopeful that our friendship will be strong agan  like my other friends like Sam,Megan,josh,Ryan liang,Ryan rolls I'm still friends with these people because of that childhood friendships because they remember how fun it was and that i was kind to them because of those memories they still want to be friends with me and if chanel and maddy still want to be friends with me even if it a childhood friendship or any other kind a good kind of friendship i'll be right here waiting for that day :) well thats all i can think about for now