Wednesday, January 2, 2013

one year ends another begins

Well it's bin a few months sense i blogged last Chanel reminded me of that. The reason why was because all my thoughts were of me and Chanel not getting along well we get along now. just so you know i like facebook and Chanel is still blocking me why do i even char somethings must be wrong with me anyway she's bin blocking me for three years now i understand why i was blocked because i was being annoying and i do understand that but three years she's like a sister to me and a love her but three years. To be honest i don't hate her or I'm not mad that she blocked me it just bugs me that I've bin blocked this long. i just want a second chance. I know that sounds weird but that the only way i can say it.Well anyway she told me that she's planing to get married this year which is so great i hope I'm invited well I'll hope for my Bros as well haha. 2012 has ended and 2013 has begun my next blog will be another list for what to do this year so be prepared it mite be two week or less or more i just need to think about it. Sorry about this blog another blog about my sister being unreasonable. I'll try to have more happier and more reasonable blogs she just sometimes unreasonable that's all. I'm not saying it's bad to be unreasonable sometime I'm unreasonable but like i told Chanel my sister to keep an open mind that go's for me as well. if Keeping your mind open you'll learn and grow that's what i believe but sometime it's best to be unreasonable and sometime it's best to be reasonable or open minded. i hope i see chanel this year and i hope she has a good year and i hope i do to    

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