Friday, February 25, 2011

talking rudely is a no no

everyone go forth and doubt not and don't be afraid to be yourself life's easier when you are yourself  trust me. if one of  your friends is  annoying you or getting under your skin don't be rode and yell at them to stop doing that or stop talking that's uncool and that means you got alot more growing up to do because no friend deserves to be talked rudely to or yelled at so if you don't take a little effort to talk kindly to your friends then you don't get to talk . i don't cair if they are annoying you to hell you don't get to talk that way to your friends or anyone and that includes me. so if anyone doesn't want to take the effort to tell one of your friends or any one kindly that they are annoying you then you don't deserve their friendship or mine. it gos like this i can Handel spoken rudely to for a time but if you don't take the effort to change your adatod towards me then you don't deserve my friendship. that's to all my friends so do your best to talk nicer to your friends if you want your friend to talk nice to you talk nice to them so do your best and go forth and doubt not

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


well don't know what to do work was well it was what it was delivering papers from 2:00 to 8:45 is not what i call fun well not in the snow my birthday is coming in may 14 its going to be fun anyway I'm just eating some Itchy band and cheese with Honey here's some photo's i was board so i had a moment of board um  

yum it looks dealish

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

where would we be with out them

its kinda funny how we all don't truly understand how imported are friends are to us like we don't think about what if this person wasn't my friend. where would i be if i didn't meet them. some people don't think about the affect it would bring if they didn't know them. some people like their friends with someone sense they were like 8 and their friends for 10 years and one friend family decide to move to Calgary lets say and they haven't seen each other for 6 years and the friend that moved just decided to call to see how they are doing after all that time but the other friend say sorry we aren't friends any more because we haven't seen each other for 6 years after that like a year or 2 maybe more pace and then their like i just loss the second most imported person in my life so times that happens. that's the sonairel that mite happen. ok and this is dumbest way to loss a friend is by annoyance or getting mad, anger,upset these ways are the most dumbest ways to loss friend like hastily all I'm saying is anyone who losses friendship this way are a bunch of ass holes. sorry for the swear it just gets under my skin when people less friendship that way. so think long and hard about what i said think about all your friends new and old and how they tot you how they helped you how they made you feel. so this is the question you need to ask yourself is where would i be without them.   

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


i my life i found many friends through the years and some i haven't seen for 8 years some for 4 years and some less then that but I've seen some of them around Christmas time and some i still haven't seen but there was this one time where i saw Chanel at a hokey games a day before she blocked me which I'm not really sad about any more but the Thing is i saw her but i never found the Craig to go talk to her like i saw her walking up to her Set then then i said to myself wow shes all grown up and very beautiful but she still looked the same so I'm like finely i get to talk to her after 4 years but the day before she said on facebook that i was beginning to annoy her so i was like what if she doesn't want to talk to me but then 5 or 6 people showed up kimber was one of the people but when they showed up i was afraid to go because i didn't no how Chanel would act if i did but i would of like to get to know kimber just because if i visited Chanel at her parents house and kimber is there then there wouldn't be a occurred barer but i feel so afraid because i saw how happy she was and i thought that if i did talk to her she would i don't know what she would do but i should of talked to her that day. that day i wish i cod restart but that is not what i want now I'm going to chry to visit her this summer if not this summer next summer. shes bin on my mind sense i moved to Raymond but not as much like now a days. shes my sister and that thought sticks for life I've been blogging about Chanel and Maddy alot i don't want to make my other friends feel bad but most of my memory's are of Chanel and Maddy but i have memory's of Sam,Megen but not as much as Chanel and Maddy Sam and Megen are sisters to me too I'm not saying that to make them or me feel better its true that they are but i like Chanel and Maddy a little more because i played with them more and are friends seen i was 3 so no matter how mean both of them get i still love them and that true friendship right there and the beazer family is like the funnest family i know and that's saying something.  

Saturday, February 5, 2011

what to do

hm i don't know what to do for the rest of the day to bad that the xbox 360 doesn't work i would be playing fable 3 and to bad i don't have a car or my drivers if i did i would be hanging with friends right about now o well I'll play monster hunter 3 on my wii

Friday, February 4, 2011

cousins+writing on stone= fun

hey everyone I'm going to blog about the fun i had with my brother's and cousins at writing on stone and I'm going to show you some pitchers of it all but to bad Morgen did come with us Chanel mite not remember her

here's Tiffany Dallas toke a photo over her taking a photo
of someone else shes my cousins as well

that's got to be very uncomfortable
but it was a great joy to Bary him

here's brig's and Hayden another one of Morgen's bro's

we bared them

OK it was a ball baring Brody Damon and Tiff

ho ya Brody is  Morgen's brother if you wanted to know

we had fun it would of bin funner if my friends tagged along but o well it was fun ether way swimming, climbing the ho dos

i have very fun cousins and they are the funnest in my mom side of the family i love them but anuf of the love fest. i can't waite tell next time maybe some over my friends would like to go maybe on my birthday or something hehe :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

great new

"Great new direction for Muse, less hard rock, more funk!"

grave yards

do you know what grave yards are the dead center of town and people are dieing to get in there. like on corpes bride the dead guy ses your chrying to get up there when people are dieing to get down here. just a funny thing i heard

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

things about me

I'm going to tell you a little about me  [I'm kind] [I'm a son of god] [i wine when thing aren't far] [i love my bro's and sister] [i hate earwigs] [ i love ice cream to death] [i like going to waterton with friends and family] [i love video games] [i hate being alone] [i tend to act like a kid for fun] [i fear that I'll never get marred]. well that all i can think of. so when your sad you always have your friends to help you thought it i some times forget that. oh theres This saying off of boy meets world it go's like this life's tough get a helmet. and Chanel and Maddy are probably tied of hearing this but i really really love my sisters very very much and don't forget it know :).