Saturday, June 18, 2011

sad as sad can be

i - i don't know what to do now well Chanel and Maddy stopped talking to me the first two friends in my life and now there gone well now i kinda know how Ryan rolls feels. they were the first i played with them more then any other friend i have and now their gone just like that my two sisters gone. me and Chanel were having a well a fight kinda for almost 2 years fighting well we weren't fighting i don't know how to describe it lets just stick with fighting. well lets just say that i wanted something and she wanted something different from what i wanted so the fight was around that the mane aspect of the fight was about me moving on from are childhood friendship which was 9 years ago you would think i would of moved on by now and i have. I'm just thing back because of the fun memories and isn't that why people are still friend to this day is because of These memories. I'm still friends with Sam Megan because of these memories and we hardly talk about the past because there is no need for it we talk about whats happening now like Sam and Megan are in school which is vary cool and we don't talk about back then . so Chanel keeps on saying move on from are childhood friendship which i already did and i told her this but she keped on saying it over and over and honestly do you think I'm thinking about that at this point no I'm thinking about right then i wasn't thinking about the past not even a little bit i was focusing on what was happening right then and right then we were fighting about valuing our friendship move on from are childhood friendship that's it. i wanted to come to a compromise so we could move on but that's not what happened Chanel wanted it her and no other way if we did compromise thing would of gone alot better well she doesn't care that's what she said and that's what made me the most sad. i don't care hearing that from a person i  care about  really makes me want to cry

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