Monday, January 31, 2011

i don't know

hey i don't know what to blog about but I'm Sher that Madison is really annoyed that me i don't know if we are friends i can't talk to her and ask because she blocked me on facebook shes blocking my emails so theres a big ?. so I'll just do what i do best I'll just Waite and see what happen. I've bin waiting  to see what happens for the last 2 year after Chanel and Maddy blocked me on facebook Chanel hasn't blocked my emails yet like Maddy did but if i continue to talk to her she will the thing is that Chanel and Maddy are the only two friends i haven't seen yet i see everyone else but their the only two i haven't ain't that weird the most impotent people in my lifer i haven't seen yet idk if Chanel wants me to visit idk maybe she does I'm not saying that Chanel and Maddy are bad friends they were just really annoyed at me but i thought that by now that they would unblock me but i can see that not the case i probably have to waite another year I'm starting to hate this waiting game. how long do i have to Waite Chanel and Maddy how long do i have to Waite to see my sister how long do i have to Waite to see your smiles to hear your laughs your voice's your faces. are my fears going to become real I'm i going to think about you guy for another 4 years because I've been thing about you two ever sense i moved  and that's 9 years ago i get it your annoyed at me for talking saying hey whats up or hey how was school or saying i love you which i really really do but come on how long do i have to Waite what another 5 years I'M NOT GOING TO WAITE THAT LONG I'm a wiener when things aren't fair. i just miss you two really really badly. sorry if this offended yous I'm just really sad,mad,anger,confessed,upset,feel like screaming some of the time

                                         Chanel if you don't like what you red sorry if i offended you I'm really really sorry

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