Wednesday, December 7, 2011


so like a few months ago a made a big oops. well this is the oops i made. well this is when me and Chanel were writing email's to each other and i said that she was a sister to me and that i loved her so just to say i haven't seen her for four years at the beginning she thought it was nice but this is when the oops comes in i said that she was a sister to me and that i loved her alot and it made her uncomfortable. she told me that she moved on and i think she ask me to move on said I'd be bedder off remember i think she said that. Well i got pretty upset when she said that and i honesty thought that she was crazy a idiot a moron a hypocrite i don't know what hypocrite mean so ya anyway and i thought that a person like that doesn't deserve my friendship but i give it. to me everyone deserve friendship even if they don't deserve it. I'm not saying that she doesn't deserve friendship Perseid I'm saying she doesn't deserve mine because she told me to move on and how mean her email's were and she told me to don't do this and don't do that. that's way she doesn't deserve my friendship but she has it because I'm giving my friendship to her. but when she was writing mean and rode email's and this when a few month ago i got vary vary pisst off  and this is when the big oops happens. she pushed me over the edge so i rote a mean email's i said that she was only thinking about her self and to be honest i was the one thinking about my self at this pint i sent the email she emailed me back a day later and what she said shocked me and made me feel really really bad I'll tell you what she said "Jaron I don't know what to say anymore so this will be my last email to you." when she said this i said to myself what have i done i hated myself for what i said i thought that i didn't deserve her friendship so now i try ed saying sorry but no answer so now i regretted that day I'm still emailing her i know its pathetic. i should of stead quite like she wanted me to. she said one time that i was the bigger person but now i don't believe i am SORRY Chanel I'm the idiot in this story not you. that was my big oops bye


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

friendships never die

 I haven't been blogging lately because i was think of alot of thing's like how my friends don't visit. how my life isn't really going the way i planed and how mine and Chanel's friendship is going. and thinking about when we were younger and what she was like and how she acted in front of us. So I'll shine some light about the younger day and some memory's of back then. In one of my blogs i talked about the beginning of Chanel's and mine friendship and how it started that it was not all rainbow. Our friendship started when me and Devon were 3 Dallas were 4 Chanel was 4 and Maddy was 2 and the first day after we moved into the house two houses over and we i guess saw Chanel and Maddy outside and thought we could play with them. So we went over to play but this part is sketchy i don't even know how the yelling started but it only lated like 4 to 5 seconds and then our mom told us to be friends so that how are friendship started. So like a few months or years later this is in the summer time so me and Devon saw Chanel,buddy,Brandon, their dad,Mitch i think Maddy came out later so me and Devon saw them playing with some gulf balls and some gulf clubs so we went and watched talked with Chanel i think Maddy came out at that time so we talked and played a little bit. and then we ask them if we could play with the balls and clubs they did so we were playing with them. So buddy, Brandon,Mitch and their dad go inside Chanel and Maddy stead outside for a bit and they went in. So me and Devon were hitting balls away from any van's,car's, Windows or any breakable thing like our mom told us to. And then Devon decided to try to hit the gulf ball over their van. now i told him that mom said not to but Devon said I'll make it. So he did and guess what it hit the van. So i ran not before i saw Chanel's mom i think it was her coming out of the door or saw her thought the kitchen window i don't really remember i was running home i told mom what happened Devon came home with i think her mom or she waited at the van anyway we went back to the van my mom was worried about that but her mom was understanding she said that the dent was already there. So her mom went back inside and are mom went back home and Chanel came and her and me started to yell at each other about the dent she said you made the dent and i said what her mom said that the dent was already there so in the end i agreed with her and played for the rest of the day. so at the end of each yelling argument me and Chanel always got along after. there's a resent thing that happened lets say Chanel and me have bin arguing for a year and a 1/2 about me talking to her friends over stepping some bounders and intruding her personnel space which i didn't know i did and she wants me to move on from are childhood friendship because she did and i don't get why she did that so i decided not to move on. so just a few months ago i wot her a email not a vary kind one at that i thing i judged her to harshly and was i little to mean because she stopped talking to me by email  and stopped talking to me all together i guess I'm not welcome around her but I'm still hopeful that our friendship will be strong agan  like my other friends like Sam,Megan,josh,Ryan liang,Ryan rolls I'm still friends with these people because of that childhood friendships because they remember how fun it was and that i was kind to them because of those memories they still want to be friends with me and if chanel and maddy still want to be friends with me even if it a childhood friendship or any other kind a good kind of friendship i'll be right here waiting for that day :) well thats all i can think about for now      

Saturday, October 29, 2011

all about wisdom

Maddy talk about her wisdom teeth and how that adventure went. well everyone has your own store to tell about that day. here's my little adventure well two adventures . well mostly everyone gets their wisdom teeth takin all at ones not me. first the top wisdom teeth and then the other ones well after 6 months. lets start at the top and the top was well i cryed before they even started and i was terrified of the needle and what was about to happen so ya i cryed. i am still talking about the top ones this adventure take like an hour maybe two ha ha. so anyways first comes the needle and i don't remember how many time they stuck me with it i think it was 8 or 10 time well the top right one didn't really freeze so they froze it twis. the freezing was like this 2 in the cheeks 2 in the Jews and 2 in the roots of the teeth but the top right one wouldn't give so they put another dos of fun in to it. so anyways they take out the right one first it didn't hart alot just a bit but it didn't take to long to get both top ones out. OK so that's the and of that adventure but 6 months later i had to get the bottom one done and i didn't really kar the freezing was no problem this time but the taking out part take a little longer the bottom right was pretty quick but the bottom left take a bit of time i can still remember it the man was sort of shacking wile he was taking it out i felt my whole tier Jew vibrating but it came out and i couldn't use a strw for a week and yoning was well not fun but i had a lot of jello yum yum ha ha. but i didn't get the laughing gas maddy got that fun stuff   

Saturday, October 15, 2011

i need to know

I'm afraid of losing more friends i already lost Chanel and Maddy I'm still confused about what happened. all i was doing was being me. i thought that they would be happy to hear from me. i thought that they would like me to call ask how they were doing hows life. now i thought i did something wrong because Chanel said that i over stepped some boundaries and intruded in her personal life that's how she felt. so I'm still confused about the whole thing. the thing i want to know is what does she want me to do what does she need me to do i seriously need to know what she needs me to do. i know she needs something from me. does she need friendship I'll give it does she need some form of love I'll give her that too does she need me gone forever I'll do it does she need me to disappear. i haven't forgotten Maddy the same go for her too. I've bin their Friend for many a years. they're very impotent to me. haaaaaaaa i hop things don't go wrong like they already have :(  got to fly bye hahah

Friday, September 30, 2011

skype easy and breaze

skype is an easy way to contact friends and family and live far away or who are to busy to visit some of my friend use it so i decided to join in the fun so if you want to talk on skype here's the information

                                                       (phone number) sorry can't tell security reasons

                                                       (full name) jaron orr

                                                       (skype name) ghostless6

  i just started useing it so ya bye

Monday, September 26, 2011

baby face friend

OK today's blog well be about a different friend her name is Samandtha Melanie Easthope wow i finally know her middle name well any who we've bin friend sense i was um like 5 maybe 6 we were in the same ward so it was easy to be friend you know. so it was a interesting friendship honestly i thought she was a bit weird oh but she was fun to play with like we mostly played house but we did play on her triplane some of the time. OK that's when we were kids. now we are still friends after i haven't seen her for 8 years it kinda surprised me that we are still friend after all that time. but now she more like a sister then anything. she's drop dead gorges now like wow she's short with a baby face and beautiful hear. she's dating a guy named jorden Hollingsworth very nice guy they've been dating for like 2 3 years why doesn't he just marry her already come on hahaha. anyway peace friends forever and all that jazz.   

Friday, September 23, 2011

preparation for a perfect day

lately I've been staying up all night waiting for my papers to come. i need a real job one that pays because with this job I'll never be prepared to get married at this reat. and there's alot of preparation for guy to do before we get married like we have to have a car an apartment a checking and savings account we have to have fernicher in the apartment. so we have to be prepared for that very beautiful women that we're going to marry. can't wait to get married. to see my wife watching her sleep her face beautiful as the morning sun. coming home from work she welcome me home thanking me for me hard work. it's good to think about this. I'm not married yet but think about it make's me more existed. well it 5:40 I'll see if the papers are here yet so bye bye for now    

Saturday, September 17, 2011

just another day

well yesterday was well tiring a little boring well that's my average day. anyway yesterday was Friday which Means's the paper's i deliver are very big. some days i only need one bag but on Fridays i have to use two and man them bag's are heavy like 20 to 30 Pound's on each shoulder heavy yeah for me. and well and this is nothing new Chanel and Maddy are still not talking to me well Chanel is literally not taking to me i think she wish i were dead or something. Maddy isn't really talking to me ether but she lets me comment on her blog Chanel not some much. Chanel puts limitations on how many  comments i can put on her blog. i bet Chanel wish that i wasn't her friend i think she wish are friendship never existed she said she like are friendship and that she still wanted to be friends but she moved on she profrs to move on then to stick with a old friendship one that she loved. to me a childhood friendship doesn't exist all that exists in my eyes is just friendship the childhood part doesn't i would never move on a friendship that meant so much to me. the one that Maddy and Chanel and i shar i will never move on from Chanel has given up on are friendship and i think Maddy has to i don't really know but i will never give up on it so as long as i dro breath. every friend is a blessing but every time you move on, give up or get rid of a friendship the blessings you get from that friend you loss. all the happiness the smils the gentl hugs will be gone and thats a true fact not a lie. well i got to get going soon paper will be waiting my atention and chanel no hard feeling k love you miss crazy hehe

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

sorry sis sorry

well my head turned off again ever sense i wot Chanel's birthday blog which i Brooke i was waiting it for her birthday. i didn't know when her birthday was even in are childhood friendship i didn't know but now i do and i scrod up her birthday blog talked mostly about me when i should of just focused on her it should of bin about her not me. she never had a birthday gift from me so that's why i wot it. i just want to wait some thing special for her special day that's all. sorry sis my sadness toke over like it sometimes does. sis you are a treasure and don't forget that k

                                                                your friend and brother
                                                                            jaron lee Orr :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

ok sadness be gone i think

do you know what i don't like being sad all the time it makes my friends sad to so I'll chary my best not to be sad but my life is not all rainbows and unicorns but i will do my best for my friends seak

Saturday, June 25, 2011

happy birthday (chanel beazer)

OK this blog is mostly a birthday thing for Chanel but I'm 5 days late the reason for that is i was busy with work and other stuff for like a few days i wasn't Sher about making this blog post but i will for her but this mite not put me back to her good graces it all up to her if it does or not but I'll still be her friend even if she dose not want me to anyway what makes a good friend is doing stuff like this so. it bin a week sens i posted this and i still don't know how to write it when she and i were friends on facebook we started a new friendship bast on the past and i like the past so the last 4 years my mind was stuck there mostly because that's when i was most happy so i kept my mind there but you can't live in the present and have your mind in the past i learned the hard way by Chanel blocking me on facebook and now not emailing me or talking to me now i know full well that basing a friendship on the past is not good. and honestly i didn't think that Chanel was a sister to me when i was 11 or after that i started thinking that way 6 years ago or less then that and now i feel that way alot more sense she blocked me and stopped emailing me and talking to me the feeling of loss that's why I'm sad. all i want is for thing to go back to the way when she didn't block me and i think different now sens i turned 21 I'm done with the past I'm not saying I'm done remembering the past but i want to move on to now because my friends are now they were in the past and now there in the now and are going to be in the future so I'm saying truthfully that chanel her ans my childhood friendship is done. but chanel and i started a new one 2years ago. so we only bin friends for two years which is not that long. but are friendship is now being destroyed because i didn't admit to myself that the past was gone and is never coming back. so here's the thing we here in the past and are friends are in the present thats chanel,maddy,sam,megan,gina,josh,ryan rolls,ryan liang,randy liang,channy. so i thought when me and chanel were emailing each other like a years ago or less that if i stade in the past then i'll loss chanel and the rest of my friends but if i followed them to the present then i can be with them so honestly what would you rather chose stay in the past and loss your friends or follow them to the present and foge new friendship with them. sorry chanel this was your birthday thing but it turned into this but your kind gentle vary beautiful smart beaond your years you make friends like picking sweet sterrwbarrys your vary sweet in your own way i love you and i do miss you even thou we bin friends for only 2 years your a treasure to all your friends including me happy 22st birthday Chanel

Saturday, June 18, 2011

sad as sad can be

i - i don't know what to do now well Chanel and Maddy stopped talking to me the first two friends in my life and now there gone well now i kinda know how Ryan rolls feels. they were the first i played with them more then any other friend i have and now their gone just like that my two sisters gone. me and Chanel were having a well a fight kinda for almost 2 years fighting well we weren't fighting i don't know how to describe it lets just stick with fighting. well lets just say that i wanted something and she wanted something different from what i wanted so the fight was around that the mane aspect of the fight was about me moving on from are childhood friendship which was 9 years ago you would think i would of moved on by now and i have. I'm just thing back because of the fun memories and isn't that why people are still friend to this day is because of These memories. I'm still friends with Sam Megan because of these memories and we hardly talk about the past because there is no need for it we talk about whats happening now like Sam and Megan are in school which is vary cool and we don't talk about back then . so Chanel keeps on saying move on from are childhood friendship which i already did and i told her this but she keped on saying it over and over and honestly do you think I'm thinking about that at this point no I'm thinking about right then i wasn't thinking about the past not even a little bit i was focusing on what was happening right then and right then we were fighting about valuing our friendship move on from are childhood friendship that's it. i wanted to come to a compromise so we could move on but that's not what happened Chanel wanted it her and no other way if we did compromise thing would of gone alot better well she doesn't care that's what she said and that's what made me the most sad. i don't care hearing that from a person i  care about  really makes me want to cry

Monday, May 30, 2011

I'll Always Be There

i love this song and the message it sends. to my friends that includes you Chanel you pitiful girl and i don't Care what you say Chanel your my friend and because your my friends I'll always be there for you get it so accepts my good will and lets move on from what we were talking about for a year and 1/2 and concentrate on the now and the future.

Friday, May 27, 2011

i get it

well lately i don't have much to blog about but that happens to everyone like emailing someone writing a book or writing a blog. i get it writers block happen to everyone like me,Chanel well anyone so do worry to much about it. so going on to something else i don't know what that something is. most of my blogs were about Chanel  and some about Madison some of my blogs were hurtful and some were sweet and kind some of the sweet one Chanel commented on which was nice Chanel stopped emailing me which i thought that meant are friendship was over but that's not the case she just stopped emailing me because she said Jaron I don't know what to say anymore so this will be my last email to you. after she said this i thought to myself what have i done i should of never sent that last email but after she sent this i sent her another email and wile i was writing it i was starting to cry i sent it but no response i don't know why i can't move on i try and try but it was no good i also tryed to honer her wishes and value and honer are friendship but i failed that to if i just listened to her when she said stop emailing me so much things wouldn't be the way they are now I'm a idiot wishing to see her again after all this time its a dumb wish it will never happen now. I'm just so tired of missing her and Maddy all the time and sometime crying in my room because i miss them so i just want and need to be at peace now i can't be why do i wast my time with this Chanel doesn't care my wish will never be fulfilled now bye for now I'll be happier next time maybe

Sunday, April 24, 2011

boredom and sister

being bored suck tea pots i like Raymond like the next guy or girl but its so boring here there's nothing to do here it seam's to my that the only thing to do here is to sit on the computer with my teeth in my mouth i can handle siting at the comp for a few hours just fine but all day I've bin doing that for 2 years it getting really boring I'm not saying i don't like going on facebook and talking to my friends who  only a few of them i see two times a year which blows and I'm not saying i hate blogging i like it reading my friends and my sisters blogs that's fun and emailing Chanel every chance i get which drives her banana sandwich haha i chary not to email Chanel to much she get steam thought the ears if i do but she is who she is and i don't hate that but it does get annoying when she does so we are now both annoyed at each other we're not really really annoyed we're just well shes yells i chary to colm her down aren't a a good brother :) and she means well. i love my sister she so fun to talk to well i should stop.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

the store well a little bit

well some of my blogs are sad and it seams that in my blogs I'm yelling but i wasn't but some i was anyway I'll do my best to writ happier blogs I'm not going to make any promises though just so you know. most of my blogs i talk about Chanel my older sister and sometimes talk about Maddy my little sister they aren't my real sister but the thought counts we meet when i was three are friendship didn't start with a hitch at the beginning first when we saw each other me and my brother we started yelling at each other for like a minuet or 5 are mom open are side door of are house and told us to get along so archly that's how are friendship started so then we play for like 5 years then Ryan and randy liang moved in next door to Chanel and Maddy there was no school on this day i think well me and the bro were coming over to play with Chanel and Maddy when we saw them playing with Ryan and randy we were kinda not so Sher for like a minuet then we went over and play Ryan let us play with his toy snacks which was fun so that's how we meet Ryan and randy three years after are grandma died on mine and Devon's birthday then 3 months after are grandma died and Chanel and Maddy went on vacation to Texas we disied to move into are grandmas house we didn't tell any one we were moving because it was a very fast move the only ones who new were Ryan and randy but Chanel and Maddy came home right when we were moving which i was happy they did so we said are good byes and the was it well we saw Ryan and randy lots but we only saw Chanel and Maddy twis ones 2 years after we moved and the last one when me and Devon were 16 in October its bin 5 years sencs that day to see Chanel and Maddy again that would be great i miss them something fears well that's kinda the store I'm probably missing alot of stuff some stuff i forgot. I'm going to visit them this summer. it would be the best birthday gift very if they came to my birthday party if they don't it all good they would probably be busy with live and other good stuff

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


recently i feel sad most of the time. when i think about Maddy and Chanel i fall into tears because I'm so uses to seeing them everyday and seeing their smiles and hearing them laugh and seeing your beautiful face some days i think that they will call or one day they will Noak on me door for a friendly visit hasn't happened yet i don't think it will i don't know maybe they will. I'm going insane here well almost. i want to see them but i don't think they want to see me that means another 4 years to wait no another 5. here's another blog no one kairs to read i don't think anyone is reading any of my blogs. i hate this waiting I've been waiting for 5 years now. I'm just a sad soon to be 21 years old man who cries about the kindness and helpfulness of his two beautiful sisters. 

I'm very alone and sad and bored will my life be happy again like it was long ago who know

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

bestest friends

I'm going to blog about well my bestest friends and I'm going to Wright it in blue just because i want to and this is the weird thing lots of people use the same Title well because mostly everyone loves talking about their best friends i do well i like talking about Chanel a Madison because they are fun to be with and i haven't seen them for 4 year like i said in some of my other blogs. the last time I've seen them was when i was 16 and Chanel graduated from high school like 7 or 8 months later. she graduated with her bestiest friends in her world and there names are kimber Levitt,Karli low,Jennica Dittmann and karli and Jennica are married so they have different last names i just used the ones they were born with because they were easier to spell but Chanel and Maddy are in first place on my best friend list because

(1). I've known them when i was really Young

(2).i played with them more when anyone else

(3).they always had time to play with us

(4) they always intrudes us to there friend which was always fun

(5) they always make us feel wanted

(6) they always loved us for us

all i can say is i love my sister's very very much and with out them i wouldn't be the man i am today and thank you two for you kind heartness and your calming presence. you two are the best of the best and Chanel i bet kimber, karli,and Jennica would say the same thing. well that's anuf of my ramblings i can go on and on about my bestest friends i hop you have fun reading it as i had fun writing it :) a happy smile for the readers

Sunday, March 20, 2011

alone and abandoned

its seems to me that everyone sometimes feel alone and abandoned by their friends i know the feeling i feel it almost everyday and you think that your friend rather be with their other Friends instead of you and that they put work above you and you think that your friends don't care about you that they prefer to be with friends that have money. everyone want to hear their friends say i love you ones in a while they want hear congratulations because they completed one of your goals. i haven't herd i love you from a friend ever but i hop i will. feeling alone and abandoned is not a fun feeling i can tell you of experience its not fun

Friday, February 25, 2011

talking rudely is a no no

everyone go forth and doubt not and don't be afraid to be yourself life's easier when you are yourself  trust me. if one of  your friends is  annoying you or getting under your skin don't be rode and yell at them to stop doing that or stop talking that's uncool and that means you got alot more growing up to do because no friend deserves to be talked rudely to or yelled at so if you don't take a little effort to talk kindly to your friends then you don't get to talk . i don't cair if they are annoying you to hell you don't get to talk that way to your friends or anyone and that includes me. so if anyone doesn't want to take the effort to tell one of your friends or any one kindly that they are annoying you then you don't deserve their friendship or mine. it gos like this i can Handel spoken rudely to for a time but if you don't take the effort to change your adatod towards me then you don't deserve my friendship. that's to all my friends so do your best to talk nicer to your friends if you want your friend to talk nice to you talk nice to them so do your best and go forth and doubt not

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


well don't know what to do work was well it was what it was delivering papers from 2:00 to 8:45 is not what i call fun well not in the snow my birthday is coming in may 14 its going to be fun anyway I'm just eating some Itchy band and cheese with Honey here's some photo's i was board so i had a moment of board um  

yum it looks dealish

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

where would we be with out them

its kinda funny how we all don't truly understand how imported are friends are to us like we don't think about what if this person wasn't my friend. where would i be if i didn't meet them. some people don't think about the affect it would bring if they didn't know them. some people like their friends with someone sense they were like 8 and their friends for 10 years and one friend family decide to move to Calgary lets say and they haven't seen each other for 6 years and the friend that moved just decided to call to see how they are doing after all that time but the other friend say sorry we aren't friends any more because we haven't seen each other for 6 years after that like a year or 2 maybe more pace and then their like i just loss the second most imported person in my life so times that happens. that's the sonairel that mite happen. ok and this is dumbest way to loss a friend is by annoyance or getting mad, anger,upset these ways are the most dumbest ways to loss friend like hastily all I'm saying is anyone who losses friendship this way are a bunch of ass holes. sorry for the swear it just gets under my skin when people less friendship that way. so think long and hard about what i said think about all your friends new and old and how they tot you how they helped you how they made you feel. so this is the question you need to ask yourself is where would i be without them.   

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


i my life i found many friends through the years and some i haven't seen for 8 years some for 4 years and some less then that but I've seen some of them around Christmas time and some i still haven't seen but there was this one time where i saw Chanel at a hokey games a day before she blocked me which I'm not really sad about any more but the Thing is i saw her but i never found the Craig to go talk to her like i saw her walking up to her Set then then i said to myself wow shes all grown up and very beautiful but she still looked the same so I'm like finely i get to talk to her after 4 years but the day before she said on facebook that i was beginning to annoy her so i was like what if she doesn't want to talk to me but then 5 or 6 people showed up kimber was one of the people but when they showed up i was afraid to go because i didn't no how Chanel would act if i did but i would of like to get to know kimber just because if i visited Chanel at her parents house and kimber is there then there wouldn't be a occurred barer but i feel so afraid because i saw how happy she was and i thought that if i did talk to her she would i don't know what she would do but i should of talked to her that day. that day i wish i cod restart but that is not what i want now I'm going to chry to visit her this summer if not this summer next summer. shes bin on my mind sense i moved to Raymond but not as much like now a days. shes my sister and that thought sticks for life I've been blogging about Chanel and Maddy alot i don't want to make my other friends feel bad but most of my memory's are of Chanel and Maddy but i have memory's of Sam,Megen but not as much as Chanel and Maddy Sam and Megen are sisters to me too I'm not saying that to make them or me feel better its true that they are but i like Chanel and Maddy a little more because i played with them more and are friends seen i was 3 so no matter how mean both of them get i still love them and that true friendship right there and the beazer family is like the funnest family i know and that's saying something.  

Saturday, February 5, 2011

what to do

hm i don't know what to do for the rest of the day to bad that the xbox 360 doesn't work i would be playing fable 3 and to bad i don't have a car or my drivers if i did i would be hanging with friends right about now o well I'll play monster hunter 3 on my wii

Friday, February 4, 2011

cousins+writing on stone= fun

hey everyone I'm going to blog about the fun i had with my brother's and cousins at writing on stone and I'm going to show you some pitchers of it all but to bad Morgen did come with us Chanel mite not remember her

here's Tiffany Dallas toke a photo over her taking a photo
of someone else shes my cousins as well

that's got to be very uncomfortable
but it was a great joy to Bary him

here's brig's and Hayden another one of Morgen's bro's

we bared them

OK it was a ball baring Brody Damon and Tiff

ho ya Brody is  Morgen's brother if you wanted to know

we had fun it would of bin funner if my friends tagged along but o well it was fun ether way swimming, climbing the ho dos

i have very fun cousins and they are the funnest in my mom side of the family i love them but anuf of the love fest. i can't waite tell next time maybe some over my friends would like to go maybe on my birthday or something hehe :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

great new

"Great new direction for Muse, less hard rock, more funk!"

grave yards

do you know what grave yards are the dead center of town and people are dieing to get in there. like on corpes bride the dead guy ses your chrying to get up there when people are dieing to get down here. just a funny thing i heard

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

things about me

I'm going to tell you a little about me  [I'm kind] [I'm a son of god] [i wine when thing aren't far] [i love my bro's and sister] [i hate earwigs] [ i love ice cream to death] [i like going to waterton with friends and family] [i love video games] [i hate being alone] [i tend to act like a kid for fun] [i fear that I'll never get marred]. well that all i can think of. so when your sad you always have your friends to help you thought it i some times forget that. oh theres This saying off of boy meets world it go's like this life's tough get a helmet. and Chanel and Maddy are probably tied of hearing this but i really really love my sisters very very much and don't forget it know :).

Monday, January 31, 2011

i don't know

hey i don't know what to blog about but I'm Sher that Madison is really annoyed that me i don't know if we are friends i can't talk to her and ask because she blocked me on facebook shes blocking my emails so theres a big ?. so I'll just do what i do best I'll just Waite and see what happen. I've bin waiting  to see what happens for the last 2 year after Chanel and Maddy blocked me on facebook Chanel hasn't blocked my emails yet like Maddy did but if i continue to talk to her she will the thing is that Chanel and Maddy are the only two friends i haven't seen yet i see everyone else but their the only two i haven't ain't that weird the most impotent people in my lifer i haven't seen yet idk if Chanel wants me to visit idk maybe she does I'm not saying that Chanel and Maddy are bad friends they were just really annoyed at me but i thought that by now that they would unblock me but i can see that not the case i probably have to waite another year I'm starting to hate this waiting game. how long do i have to Waite Chanel and Maddy how long do i have to Waite to see my sister how long do i have to Waite to see your smiles to hear your laughs your voice's your faces. are my fears going to become real I'm i going to think about you guy for another 4 years because I've been thing about you two ever sense i moved  and that's 9 years ago i get it your annoyed at me for talking saying hey whats up or hey how was school or saying i love you which i really really do but come on how long do i have to Waite what another 5 years I'M NOT GOING TO WAITE THAT LONG I'm a wiener when things aren't fair. i just miss you two really really badly. sorry if this offended yous I'm just really sad,mad,anger,confessed,upset,feel like screaming some of the time

                                         Chanel if you don't like what you red sorry if i offended you I'm really really sorry

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

my family and sister's

i have no clue on what to blog about but lately I've bin talking about Chanel and Madison the thing is i wanted a sister because i only have brother's in my family and Chanel and Madison are the closest thing to sisters i have and they were are whole world like my mom said to us why don't you go outside and play and we said we can't Chanel isn't home an't that just funny. its a cool thing that after 5 years we're still friend but i don't know about Madison though. like i said we've bin friends sense i was 3 and their family is like family to me. i love them all :)
here's chanel madison dallas devon and me i was almost 4 when this was talkin

why is it

lately i wanted to as my friends why are we still friend and why is are friendship so importuned to them why is it that i feel so connected to my friend that were friends with me sense i was small like

      Chanel and Madison we started being friend sense i was 3
      Sam and Megen we started being friends sense i was 5or 6
      Ryan and randy we started being friends sense i was 8
      Ryan rolls we started being friends sense i was 4
      tanner prince we started being friends sense i was 14
      josh Barton we started being friends sense i was 12 or 13
      Gina primvara and Chantal vair we started being friends sense i was 19 well chantal was in my first grad class but we didn't hang out back then
       Garrett we started being friend sense i was 19

so these are some of my friends not all just some and they are very important to me and to loss any of them would be very very sad but it feels like I'm drifting away from them. i said to Chanel 1 or 2 weeks ago to chose to loss are friendship or keep it i said that because i thought are friendship was at steak she said it wasn't so now i feel really bad about saying it i want to say I'm sorry but i can't not because i can't its because I'm afraid that she mite send a rode email again so that's why i can't and the thing is i don't like when people tell me to stop talking its rode

Friday, January 21, 2011

flier fun

yesterday was a screamer doing 425 fliers in lethbridge it take 6 hours to do it we started at 10:16 and ended at 4:23 i had to lift like 50 kg on each shoulder and my feet were killing me i almost couldn't stand up that's an exaggeration it all for a good cos. these are the thing I'm going to do when a got me money
                new shirts,pants,shoes
                some sweet new video games like Sims 3 for console maybe mafia 2 for Sher harvest moon party animals
                a laptop and computer for you guest it more video games like Sims medieval which is coming out in march. world of warcraft,pirates of the burning seas online,mechwarrers 5 maybe flight simulate X
                a really good camera to take some photo's of friend like a now photo' of me Chanel Madison and my brother's that would be cool
                         5.well of Coors get my licence
                lots of ice cream well just some
                         7.oveis one buy a good car or truck or van one of them
                         8.go to movies and games with friends
                         9.go to watertan to hick and swim and in the winter play in the snow with friends or family or both

that's alot of stuff and yes i am kind of a video game addicted or i am one .i can't Waite tell Ryan's home coming it going to be a blast

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

odd man out

lately i feel like a stranger with my friend i don't know why but i just do like the last Christmas party i went to i feet like the odd man out everyone was having a good time and i feelt like i was in a corner wile they were having fun its not a really good feeling

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

work at 3;30 in the morning

OK i haven't worked for two years so i just have to get uses to it again and i have to deliver news papers at 3:30 am in the morning. so i have to deliver the national post and the Calgary Harold and the lethbridge Harold and today it toke 4 hours to deliver the papers on really rough roads but it is fun to do. i wonder how long its going to take tomorrow

Sunday, January 9, 2011

paper boy

i kinda got a job as a paper boy me and my dad deliver the Calgary Harold and the Notion post in lethbridge. today we were driving the route to know where the houses were it take 2 hours to do that in the snow not just snow on the roads more like snow drifes on the roads. its going to be a ball when we start delivering the papers i should of take some photo's to show you what i mean

Friday, January 7, 2011

this year

OK now I'm going to put a few thing's I'm going to try to do this year

1- find a job
2- try to get my drivers license
3-visit Chanel , Madison and the rest of the beazer family
4-go to Ryan liang's home coming
5-go to my brother's wedding
6-make a fun birthday party
7-wish a few of my friends a happy birthday
8-save up money to get a car
9-get a really good camera

well that's all i can think of. this year is going to be a good year because i say so. I'm going to try to visit the beazer's one to three time a year in summer fall winter times because i can and because i kind grew up with them so their like family and there are a few additions to their family who i haven't had the chance to meat yet and i haven't seen Chanel or Madison for like 5 years so it would be good to see them

friends Christmas party 2010

Sam Easthope's Christmas party was awesome for a last minuet party we mostly talked we were going to watch a movie but we didn't we were busy talking i think Sam seemed sad about it here are some photo's that give you a glimps of the whole thing
 cami Sam's cute pupy dog  


here's gina chairing her best to play some Christmas music


here is one of my best friends named Megan Bennett

the one next to Kate is another one of my best friend the make
of the party Sam easthope

Thursday, January 6, 2011

friends are like a box of chocolate

friends are like a box of chocolate you got your sweet friends your sour friends and your nuty friends